Larger optimum pit and higher economic value of ore deposit; Extended life-of-mine and reduced financial risks of probable low-grade ore (Mining)
-Reclaiming old low-grade ore reserves that can benefit the project, or taking the most out of waste dumps (Mining)
-Higher mining speed and lower costs (Mining)
-Increased earnings due to a higher quality and higher grade product (Mineral Processing)
-On-site sorting and removing hazardous wastes, such as arsenic bearing rocks (Environment)
-Reducing or eliminating water consumption in pre-concentration and concentration processes (Environment)
-Preventing unnecessary crushing of the ore, not to be mixed with wastes (Mineral Processing)
-Natural on-site removing of wastes and less production of fine-particles; Lower disposal management costs and environmental impacts (environment)
-Lower Crushing costs and pre concentration technics (Mineral processing)
-Effective management of product grade-tonnage; Diversity of product types (high-grade, medium-grade, and low-grade products) (Mining)
-Saving haulage costs (Mining)